
  • Courtyards & Small Gardens
  • Town Gardens
Sinuous garden image 1

The garden is a stunning picture framed by wide bi-folding doors that remains looking fabulous all year round. A sinuous, flowing patio is more spacious in the sunniest area of the garden. Evergreen trees add presence, an artificial lawn and low maintenance planting suit this busy family. Another example of how in order for design to succeed, it must be sensitive to its location.

"We love it! And appreciate it every day"

"If you want to send any client prospects over we're happy to give a glowing reference"

Tim & Valeria Crawford, Hove

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Sinuous garden image 5

The garden is a stunning picture framed by wide bi-folding doors that remains looking fabulous all year round. A sinuous, flowing patio is more spacious in the sunniest area of the garden. Evergreen trees add presence, an artificial lawn and low maintenance planting suit this busy family. Another example of how in order for design to succeed, it must be sensitive to its location.

"We love it! And appreciate it every day"

"If you want to send any client prospects over we're happy to give a glowing reference"

Tim & Valeria Crawford, Hove

Project Information
Type Courtyards & Small Gardens, Town Gardens
Location Hove

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