Refined Reception

  • Front Gardens & Driveways
  • Town Gardens
Refined Reception garden image 1

An elegant front of house design for this beautiful traditional property. Combining space for two vehicles to park, a central ‘vista’ pathway and ornamental lawn terrace. Features include new brick walls, bespoke railings, stone block paving and all year interest planting.

“We’ve had so many passers by stopping and staring!”

Mr & Mrs Gaffney, Hove

Refined Reception garden image 2
Refined Reception garden image 3
Garden before image Garden after image

An elegant front of house design for this beautiful traditional property. Combining space for two vehicles to park, a central ‘vista’ pathway and ornamental lawn terrace. Features include new brick walls, bespoke railings, stone block paving and all year interest planting.

“We’ve had so many passers by stopping and staring!”

Mr & Mrs Gaffney, Hove

Project Information
Type Front Gardens & Driveways, Town Gardens
Location Hove

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